
The process of data recovery in this service is divided into several stages:

Description of service elements:

  1. Uploading damaged files to the service

    On the first page of the Repair Wizard, the user needs to fill out 3 mandatory fields:

    • The local path and name of the file to recover. The user needs to enter the path and file name using the standard dialog. URL’s are not allowed.
    • The user’s email address. This address will be used for sending notifications about the completion of each recovery stage and the delivery of the URL of the page that can be used for resuming interrupted file recovery.

    Besides, there is an additional field for user comments.

    Comments: If the user uploads an archive to the service, they must specify that it’s a WinRAR or WinZIP archive that needs to be recovered, not a compressed file.

    When all mandatory fields have been filled out, clicking the Upload button will start the file upload process. Current progress will be shown on a progress bar. Once uploaded, the file will be queued for recovery.

  2. Recovering data from files

    Special programs developed by our engineers will scan the contents of the file. If any recoverable data matching the selected file type are detected, they will be extracted and saved to a new file. Depending on the current server load and the size of the file being recovered, the process may require substantial time.

    Once the file analysis stage is over, the following scenarios will be possible:

    • Data have been identified and saved to a new file.
    • It’s impossible to save anything from the file or the file data do not correspond to its type.

    In both cases, the user will be duly notified with a on-site message and an email. If data recovery was successful, the user is asked to proceed to stage 3.

    If some data couldn’t be recovered, the user can go back to the first page of the Repair Wizard.


    • The size of the resulting file may be considerably smaller than that of the original, since data corruption can result in serious data loss.
    • Some data may be partially missing if they had been deleted/overwritten or damaged beyond recovery.
    • Data may be segmented that is, binding elements between them may have been lost. Our engineers do their best to restore as much data as possible, even if it’s hard to connect them or restore the former hierarchy afterwards.
  3. Preview of recovery results

    If data recovery is a success, the user will see the sizes of original and restored files. The user will also examine the recovery results if data preview is available for this data type. If the user is satisfied with the results of data recovery and wishes to continue, they need to pay for it on step 4.

  4. Payment

    The service accepts payments via PayPal. When the payment button is clicked, the user is redirected to PayPal and continues with payment using the most convenient payment method.

    Once PayPal confirms the receipt of payment, the user gets a link to the recovered file. The URL of the file is also sent to the user’s email address.

  5. Downloading the recovered files from the server

    The user can download recovered files using the browser. Links to recovered files that have been paid for remain active for 30 days.

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* Real stories about people's files getting damaged